Ruperra Castle

Friday, March 06, 2009

The Conference and After

The conference on Saturday 29th February was an extremely enjoyable occasion, attended by over 139 people and contributing over £2000 to the funds. Here is a picture of the audience settling in for the afternoon's session under the chairmanship of Tom Lloyd OBE.The programme of the day is below.


10:00: Welcome : Commander John Curteis, President of Ruperra Castle Preservation Trust, former chairman of Ruperra Conservation Trust.

Introduction : Dan Clayton Jones, Chairman of the Heritage Lottery Board Committee for Wales, former chairman of the Welsh Botanic Gardens and current chairman of Prime Cymru.

10:15 - 11.30 : Adrian Cook, Architect & Historic Landscape Specialist : Chiswick House Gardens Site & Project Manager:
The Restoration of Chiswick House Gardens 2002-2007.

11:.30 -11:40 : Break

11:40 -13:00 : John Edwards UK Director:TKB Southgate Associates. Former Cardiff Castle Surveyor to the Fabric and Project Manager
Cardiff Castle Restoration Project

13:00 - 14:10: Lunch

14:10 -15:30 John Thorneycroft, Former Head of Government Historical Estates Unit of English Heritage.
Post Fire Restoration: Windsor Castle

15:30 -16:00 Prof John Gwynfor Jones, Emeritus Professor of Welsh History, University of Cardiff
The Morgans of Tredegar

16:00 Question and answer session and summing up chaired by
Tom Lloyd, author of ‘The Lost Houses of Wales’, former chairman of the Historic Buildings Council for Wales

The next event will be an exhibition in Caerphilly starting on March 19th. More details later.

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