Contacting the Planning Inspectorate
The Planning Inspectorate in Cardiff has confirmed that an informal hearing is intended for the Ruperra Castle appeal. As yet there is no date given for the hearing. Caerphilly County Borough Council Planning Divsion is sending letters to those people who wrote in to the Council with objections last year telling them that their objections will be forwarded. However those who wrote in as well as those who didn't can now write to or email the Planning Inspectorate. The address is
The Planning Inspectorate
Crown Buildings
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ
and the reference number which you can quote is
Ref.No. APP / K6920 / A108 / 2078434
You can also email : and use the same reference number.
It is very important that as many people as possible contact the Inspectorate so that the Inspector will realise what an important place Ruperra occupies in Our heritage. It is also important that you do this as soon as possible. Although there are six weeks from July 2nd (which runs to August 13) to send in your comments, the earlier the Inspector understands the situation the better.
Most people know exactly how they feel about the propsed housong at Ruperra but here are some reminders of what you could say.
The building is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and therefore of national importance on a par with Caerphilly Castle. It is a Listed Building which is protected by planning legislation in Caerphilly Council's Unitary Development Plan against inappropriate development. It is in a Conservation Area which is protected similarly in the UDP against housing in the countryside. The housing proposal would create a suburban settlement in the middle of the countryside and would destroy the historic setting of the very building, unique in Wales, which it proposes to save. And so on.
We will keep you updated on developments, but please write in as sson as you can.
The Planning Inspectorate
Crown Buildings
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ
and the reference number which you can quote is
Ref.No. APP / K6920 / A108 / 2078434
You can also email : and use the same reference number.
It is very important that as many people as possible contact the Inspectorate so that the Inspector will realise what an important place Ruperra occupies in Our heritage. It is also important that you do this as soon as possible. Although there are six weeks from July 2nd (which runs to August 13) to send in your comments, the earlier the Inspector understands the situation the better.
Most people know exactly how they feel about the propsed housong at Ruperra but here are some reminders of what you could say.
The building is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and therefore of national importance on a par with Caerphilly Castle. It is a Listed Building which is protected by planning legislation in Caerphilly Council's Unitary Development Plan against inappropriate development. It is in a Conservation Area which is protected similarly in the UDP against housing in the countryside. The housing proposal would create a suburban settlement in the middle of the countryside and would destroy the historic setting of the very building, unique in Wales, which it proposes to save. And so on.
We will keep you updated on developments, but please write in as sson as you can.